The COLAB Foundation

Did you know that lessening the burden of government is a bonafide function of a charitable endeavor, i.e. a 501c3 tax exempt foundation? Is that not a cause you can believe in and support? Well, accordingly, COLAB now has its own foundation!!!

That means we have the ability to raise funds from other foundations, as well as, individuals who don't own their own business. That means that everyone who contributes to the COLAB Foundation can write off their contributions regardless of whether or not they own a business.

Of course, the donations to the COLAB Foundation can only be used to educate the public, but we have been educating people all along!

Who else besides COLAB has a daily radio show which features scholars from across the land, and local leaders, serving to inform, educate and mobilize the Central Coast? What other organization has penned over 1,500 opinion columns educating the general public about all the issues that are otherwise ignored by the media?

We must fight on as we have no other choice. Our ability to reach even more people is only limited by the financial resources we have at our disposal. We believe we can reach more people by way of social media in addition to radio and print, and thereby have a greater effect. But that is only made possible if we can secure more support from the residents of our county who feel the same way we do about our economy, our rights and our dreams for our families.

The COLAB Foundation is a public charity formed to procure funding for the Santa Barbara County Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business (COLAB) and other select non-profit entities to advance education and science, combat community deterioration and lessen the burden of government.

The Corporation will promote the use of scientific data and educational materials to support land stewardship, protect agricultural assets, and preserve economic livelihoods. In addition, the Corporation will partner with business and agricultural organizations to foster government transparency, business-friendly regulations, ordinances, and government programs and act as a fiscal sponsor agent for COLAB to obtain funding from individuals, foundations and businesses.

Donations to The COLAB Foundation are deductible per IRC Section 170 as the foundation is an IRS approved 501 C3 public charity. Our EIN is 81-1088586

The COLAB Foundation
PO Box 7523
Santa Maria, CA 93456

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